Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Rehabilitation in Arlington, VA
Physical therapists are highly trained professionals who provide personalized care to individuals with medical ailments or health-related issues that limit their movement or ability to perform everyday tasks. Physical techniques, such as stretching, exercise and massage, are utilized instead of—or as a complement to—pain medication and surgery. The focus is on healing and strengthening the body to alleviate pain, enhance function, build endurance and prevent injuries.
Although different injuries require a different treatment approach, the key components of any physical therapy program include education about the cause of the problem, exercise to improve function and full participation by the patient.
The Nirschl Physical Therapy Approach
Nirschl Orthopaedic Center has been offering state-of-the-art physical therapy through Virginia Sportsmedicine Institute since 1974. Our wide-ranging services include:
- Certified hand therapy
- Custom orthotics
- Dry needling
- Dynamic splinting
- Game Ready® ice compression
- Interferential current therapy (ICT)
- Iontophoresis
- Low-level laser therapy (cold therapy)
- McConnell taping
- Traction
At Nirschl Orthopaedic Center, we strive to meet and exceed our patients’ goals while getting them back in motion. Working closely together, our experienced physicians and physical therapists emphasize early injury recognition and treatment, and we offer expert care and personalized guidance throughout the recovery process. If you have any questions about the comprehensive physical therapy services we offer in Arlington, VA, please contact us at 703-525-2200.